Thursday, October 22, 2009

Useless Sergei Tits update.

Well it looks like Stits has bolted from the Candiens YET again, this time it seems like it is the final hissy fit that his Soviet ass will throw.
My NHL insider Bonghit sent me an intresting but hilariously grammatically incorrect translation of a French Article that states that Sergei Kostitsyn got in an altercation with the New Canadien after Gomez invited the young Belarussian to drinks with his friends.
I can't really say that I give a rat's ass...
I had really wished Gomez and his posse would have curb stomped that child like looking pansy.
But that's just my opinion...
Or... maybe we could lock him in a room with Mikhail Grabovski with nothing more than their panty liners, and have them bitch slap each other to death

Peace True Believers,

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