Hardee freaking harr I know.
Well the weather outside is frightful
But watching the Canadiens beat teams even when they get out shot a billion to 13 is so delightful.
Since we've no place to go.
Let's not blow, let's not blow, let's not blow.
Get you all into the Christmas spirit.
It's great to see both our Goalies put in a great effort and our #1 Center and our Star Winger ACTUALLY PLAY like a #1 Center and a Star Winger.
Still, I cannot get truly excited about this team until they beat a Tier One team like the Pittsburgh Penguins, if they ever get a flight into the City.
One of the best things about Mike Cammalleri, is his humor.
When Cammalleri said "Lets' hope they only show up with 5 minutes before the game without any practice" I thought about the time when my Teacher was late the day of the test and I thought to myself "Gee, I really hope she only shows up with 5 minutes left and doesn't have enough time to give us the exam", is it a good thing that Mike Cammalleri has the same mentality of a 16 year old. Who the hell cares, he's going to score 40 goals this year.
I hope this storm keeps going so class is cancelled and I do not have to write that History essay tomor... damn I'm doing it again.
Peace True Believers.
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