Now for my new weekly segment:
An interview with Sam Obrand, the Canadiens' next coach.
E: So Sam, if you were the new coach, what would be your first plan of action?
Sam: I would fart on Patrice Brisebois' pillow when he sleeps so he will get pinkeye and never see another minute of ice time.
E: Oh, that's clever, because pink eye affects your eye directly..that's very witty... o.k. next question, will you be intimidated by these local celebrities?
Sam: Not at all, but I will have one request when I become coach.
E: What's that?
Sam: Well when the team takes their daily showers I'm going to invite Max Pacioretty to use my um...private shower so I can personally decide whether he is physically healthy enough to stay with the big club....
E: Um, I believe that is illegal becaus...
Sam: I mean have you SEEN Patches goodness, Lamar Odom has nothing on him...
E: Well this has gotten highly appropriate very quickly.
P.S. Obese Ups to Oliver Mayers for writing that interesting post on my blog that I quickly deleted, to YShemBoss for being an absolute Bawss at Xbox Live and J.Schneidz for being global, you da best.
O and happy belated to Frai and Romoff, hope you boys had a wicked awesome weekend...
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