You have got to be fucking kidding me.
53 saves and the team in front of him decides to not play.
The guy who has been crapped on all season, when he has not deserved it, makes half a century of saves in one game. And because of the team in front of him, he loses. This is the angriest I have ever been as a Canadiens Fan.
You better score 5 goals next game. Because no one deserves what Carey Price just went through.
Tonight actually made me sick.
If I can say anything positive, it is that I want to extend my sincere apologies to Carey.
If you are somehow reading this, I want to tell you that I have supported you since day one. Every time someone has criticized you, or bitch about not drafting Anze Kopitar instead just because to start the season he is leading the league in scoring (news flash Jack Todd, before you put out an article about how we'd be better off with Kopitar, consider that last year Aaron fucking Voros was leading the league in scoring a month in) I would always tell them that you have the potential to be a star. And if tonight was a demonstration of that, then you have a hell of future. But it seems that the team in front of you, much like the fans in this god forsaken town like seeing brilliant potential fizzle and burn in front of their eyes. I don't know why Hockey Schadenfreude gets Montrealers off this much, but I look on these people with the utmost disdain.
There is some tragedy that in reality, if Carey Price was in any American market right now, he would have been nurtured and brought up correctly and not have to make 53 saves in a losing effort. The problem is not him, the problem is not even Bob Gainey, who by the way Eklund, is not "too old school for today's NHL". Is it old fashioned to believe that the basis of a successful team is Goaltending and to draft a guy who turns out to win in every Junior level? Is it old school to believe that it's better to sign character locker room guys who can play 82 games rather to hang on to older wishy washy veterans who need three game vacations to regain their scoring touch? It't not that we were better off with Kovalev and Koivu, it's the fact that we are so snobby as hockey fans that we believe that anyone who has played more than a season with our "storied" franchise must be good. So we berate Gainey for getting rid of Begin, Bouillon and Dandenault who overall were USELESS for out hockey club, and criticize initially the acquisitions of Mara, Metropolit and our new top line, even though they bring a good presence to our team without any negative after taste.
The problem with our team, is the fans and media. That's right.
How is this team going to grow if every time we hit a road bump, which news flash, EVERY TEAM DOES, Pittsburgh DID fire their coach the year they won the cup, instead of supporting the team and finding positives to build on, the fans and columnists call for an upheaval just because somehow they expected 82 victories this season.
This team will not change for the better until the viewers change for the better. Will that ever happen?
Who knows...
Peace true believers (If they are truly any out there)