Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sergei Kostitsyn asks for trade.

Not to going to dwell on this, because I think he is immature and reckless and holding himself in too high of a regard to pull this type of crap right before the season started.
He did not play well enough.
His attitude has not changed.
He deserves to be sent down.
Pierre McGuire was on the TEAM 990 and when asked about this, he baisically replied that fans should be confused to why the Canadiens did not get rid of him this summer when they got rid of the rest of their "problem players", and why they waited until now that it has escalated.
Well I usually agree with you Pierre. But that is the wrong question to ask.
The players who left this summer all had their contracts expire, you can bet your house Bob Gainey would not have just traded Alex Kovalev on July 1st. Another reason why Sergei was still with the team was because he has been touted as having "boatloads of potential", at one point in Junior, he was on a line with Sam Gagner and Patrick Kane. Gainey knew that Kovalev was not going to change his erratic off ice behavior, so he let him go. Maybe management hoped Sergei could change once negative influences were out the door.
The real question that all Hab fans should be asking right now is: Is Sergei Kostitsyn worth it?
Should we continue to scold him until he is a reformed player, or do we let him leave and possibly create an issue with his older brother Andrei, who is very unpredictable and easily shaken when it comes to his level of play.
Is he worth it?
This blogger gives the young Belarussian a big ol' NYET.
But you tell me.
Peace true believers,

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